Week 1: What is scientific research?
Consider what “scientific research” means, by exploring some key words and ideas
Introduce the concept of ‘scientific method’ and considers the different steps in doing scientific research
Consider how scientific English texts vary according to who is writing them, who is reading them, and what their purposes are
Students' Handouts
Teachers' Notes
Week 2 & 3: Getting started
Explore the topic by answering some questions
Be guided through the steps you should take to start doing the research.
Investigating people’s ability to multitask
Laughter and mood
Investigating the relationship between laughter and mood
The effects of music
Investigating ways in which people are affected by music
Students' Handouts
Teachers' Notes
Week 4: Reporting research
look at what sections reports usually contain, in what sequence (order) the sections occur and some of the language you might find in different sections
Students' Handouts
Teachers' Notes
Answer to task 3
Week 5: Exploring introductions
Explore the introduction sections of two research reports written by students in Hong Kong
Identify six elements which often occur in such introductions
Explore some features of vocabulary and grammar typically used in introductions
Students' Handouts
Teachers' Notes
Week 6: Drafting your introduction
Put into a logical order notes from one of the introductions ( on waste disposal) and then to re-write part of or the whole of the introduction from the notes
Re-write from notes the part of the second introduction (on texting) that reports previous research
Students' Handouts
Teachers' Notes
Week 7: Explaining how the research was carried out
Examine a sample methods sections from a research report written by university students
Write a methods section based upon a set of instructions for carrying out a research project
Students' Handouts
Teachers' Notes
Week 8: Drafting your methods section
Write the first draft of your methods section
Share your draft with your classmates and get comments from them
Students' Handouts
Teachers' Notes
Week 9: Presenting and describing results
look at ways of displaying and describing results using two different kinds of graphs
Practice describing some results yourself
Students' Handouts
Teachers' Notes
Week 10: Drafting your results section
Write the first draft of your results section
Share your draft with your classmates and get comments from them
Students' Handouts
Teachers' Notes
Week 11: Discussions and conclusions
look at ways of displaying and describing results using two different kinds of graphs
Practice describing some results yourself
Students' Handouts
Teachers' Notes
Week 12: Preparing the whole report
Write the first draft of your discussion and conclusion sections
Share your draft with your classmates and get comments from them
Students' Handouts
Teachers' Notes
Teaching Manual
This manual contains teachers’ notes, students’ handouts, and PowerPoints.
Teaching Manual
Teaching Tips
This teaching tips for teaching scientific writing in English are organized into three categories: fostering the learning environment, integrating English learning in science classrooms, and overcoming English scientific report writing challenges.
Teaching Tips
QR Codes & Descriptions of Tutorials
This document includes QR codes and descriptions for the 12 tutorials.
QR Codes &
Videos mentioned in 'QR codes & Description of Tutorials ' can also be found via the following link:
Final Reports
The reports describe the justifications for the project and issues encountered in science writing in Hong Kong schools, the project’s aims and procedures, the outcomes of the project’s assessment measures, and policy implications.
Final Report (short version)
Final Report (long version)
Workshop Video
Dr Jack Pun and his team conducted a workshop to the participating schools, the teachers, and other experts on genre-based pedagogy for science writing.